This is Lewis, the Cat, and his pal, Squelch, a Rat. I believe, if I have my story correct, that Squelch is a Rescue! He is hairless with hair only on his tail. Lewis is a Maine Coon.

Lewis has his own page on facebook! Fleur came to me for a photo shoot in my studio for Lewis, then mentioned that Squelch might be fun to have along, too. Fleur also brought her two Trailer Rescues, two four year old cats rescued from under a trailer when kittens. These cats, Michael and Jeremy, weren't so thrilled about the photo shoot, but Lewis was a "Player!" He couldn't take a bad photograph!

Fleur said that Squelch was the instigator of a lot of mischief making in the house. I can just see that in my mind's eye!

You can see that they are buddies.
I thought this was one of the sweetest ones. It's almost as if Squelch is whispering to Lewis what devilment he is planning for the cats to get into next! It's a happy household and it was a pleasure to meet Fleur and her family.
But about teasing a rat into poses: forget about it! This guy was not interested in sound or visual teases. You can imagine Ken whipping his pheasant feather around, getting the cat's attention, with Squelch paying him no mind whatsoever. It was a hoot!
Background: Sage.