Kelly Crouch is a customer of mine from the first year I started cat photography. She bred Oriental Shorthairs and Maine Coons. Lately, she has branched out into glass and she has named her new company Glasstasy. Ken and I shot eleven pieces of her art glass she created. Below are my favorites:

This is my most favorite piece. It is almost a half round. Kelly has named it "Glacier." I want one.

This is a view of the inside of "Glacier" ... again, stunning.

Kelly used a very expensive material called dichroic glass on this piece. "Dichroic glass is glass containing multiple micro-layers of metal oxides which give the glass dichroic optical properties,"
reference from Wikipedia. We photographed this same piece on a white background and the dichroic properties did not appear, but on a black background, it is obvious!
Yellow and lime green six-sided candy bowl.

Here is a side view of the same bowl.

Pinwheel candy dish.

This is a very elaborate piece -- note that Kelly handpainted ivy leaves on the piece in gold. The edges are ruffled (not sure of the terminology here). I'd be happy to update this post with the correct terminology if anyone wants to enlighten me.

This is a rectangular bowl with a quilt like pattern. Graphically very simple and pleasing.

The brown piece, pictured above, is very large, about the size of a large tray. Reminds me of a quilt top I made some years ago. Kelly referred to it as the Brown Dart Board!

Green and white round candy dish.

This piece looked much better photographed on white (which will not come across well on my blog, since my background is black). It needs light to show it off as it is nicely translucent.

A candy dish, pink and purple. Photographed against black, you cannot see that the center of the dish is a deep purple as are the dark pinwheels. Another piece that showed up better against the white background.
If you are interested in any of these pieces, please email Kelly at I am waiting for her to have an exhibition of her work! She should probably have a few more pieces before she has a show, but if she has one, we're going!
All pieces photographed using a Canon EOS 5D Mark II against a black background.
Beuatiful pieces, especially the "Glacier", I want one too. Now, how to get it to Berlin, Germany....